Friday, April 29, 2011

I Won Script Frenzy 2011!

imageThe final tally: 107 pages, with a day to spare. I probably wrote on ~20 of those days, since I went to a convention among other things.

Not sure how I feel right now. Definitely glad to have a First Draft. Now I have a real clear roadmap as to what I want this story to be. I don’t have a specific revision plan for it yet, but here are some general steps:

  • Let it rest for a few weeks at least.
  • Formulate a plan for revision.
  • Identify all areas requiring further research.
  • Send it to a couple alpha readers (mostly family) for revision ideas.
  • Research screenplay format so I can present the best screenplay I can (I kinda winged it).
  • Try to acquire more family stories to add more authenticity to it. Sometimes it’s the small details that matter.

Next week I’ll post some analysis of how I felt about screenplay story structure and how well I thought it worked. But for now I just want to sit back and enjoy my accomplishment. Smile


  1. Congratulations Andrew :) You deserve to celebrate.

    What an awesome plan for the continuing script.


  2. I am wondering if the story should be presented as a documentary rather than a screenplay if you are after authenticity. Congrats on what you've done so far for NaNoWriMo!

  3. Thanks! Will have a detailed plan soon.

  4. The question is whether I create this as a writer or a historian.
    The question is what is really important about this story? What actually happened or why it happened?
    The problem with reality is that it's not as believable as fiction. So why not present the story in a sort of fictionalized version, but rely on the actual events for color and texture?

  5. Andrew, Congratulations on this! I am so proud of you! You deserved it!

    YA Paranormal Romance Darkspell coming soon!






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